August 28th, 2020No One is Immune to Climate Change - Banner Drop
Worthing Extinction Rebellion (XR) performed a thought and action provoking banner drop at 6am this morning on Worthing Pier. XR said "The world is way off track to stop run away climate and ecological breakdown. Worthing is a seaside town and sea rise levels are predicted to flood many areas. We must Act Now."Link here: https://coastal.climatecentral.org/map/11/-0.3506/51.0052/?theme=sea_level_rise&map_type=coastal_dem_comparison&contiguous=true&elevation_model=best_available&forecast_year=2030&pathway=rcp85&percentile=p95&return_level=return_level_1&slr_model=kopp_2014
Worthing XR state that most Paris Climate Agreement pledges have been broken. "We will pass 1.5' warming in the next five years and the governments own Climate Change Committee report predicts a 4' warming by 2100. A world not fit for habitation by any living species."
They urge that the catastrophic effects on human society and the natural world may spiral out of control if the Climate and Ecological Emergency is not addressed in time, including
⦁ Biodiversity Loss
⦁ Sea level rise
⦁ Desertification
⦁ Wildfires
⦁ Water shortage
⦁ Crop failure
⦁ Extreme weather
The combined result of these destabilising events will be:
⦁ Millions displaced
⦁ Disease
⦁ Increased risk of wars and conflicts
⦁ Impacts on human rights
The aim of the banner drop is to provoke thought and action amongst Worthing people because "We are in a planetary emergency. We must immediately begin improving carbon absorption, reduce emissions and stop the harm we are causing to the natural world." They state that "The task before us is daunting but we have proved big changes can be made during the Covid19 pandemic. We must Act Now."
To get involved contact
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July 28th, 2020
Working from home? With full fibre we could all enjoy a more flexible future...
Register your interest at cityfibre.com/your-streetOver these past weeks, many of us will have adopted entirely new ways of doing everyday activities, such as attending meetings, completing coursework, joining exercise classes and catching up with friends and family. Likewise, many of us will have realised that all these activities now have one thing in common: a digital screen.
This ‘new normal’ demonstrates exactly what we already suspected – digital technology has transformed our lives. And now, in these unprecedented times, we are utterly dependent on its ability to provide us with a socially-isolated gateway to normal life – work, the high street and entertainment, as well as the comforts of friendship and family we all need at times like these.
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June 25th, 2020
What’s all this I keep hearing about full fibre – what’s the big deal...?
Digital connectivity has become a hot button issue. Almost all major political parties have pushed it up their own agendas in the past year, recognising the importance of connectivity to the wider electorate.Yet despite headline grabbing soundbites, few seem to fully grasp what full fibre connectivity actually means. Currently much of the UK is using a copper-based legacy network. Some of this network dates back to the Victorian era, so you can see that it is well overdue an upgrade. At present only around 12% of the country has access to full fibre networks. These networks differ from what most of the country currently has in that they use fibre optic cables to connect the exchange directly to each premises #gigabitAW (photo credit Adur and Worthing Council).
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May 15th, 2020
‘Name Your Drain’ (Part of the Adopt-a-Drain initiative in Tarring)
If you are (or want to be) one of the wonderful volunteers who keep an eye on your local drains to make sure they are clear of debris and work effectively (in order to prevent flooding), then why not ‘Name Your Drain’ and enter Tarring Flood Action Group’s competition? It’s just a bit of fun for all age groups during these difficult times.Your chosen drain name might be inspired by its function, its location, maybe from the text on the drain itself, or you can just pick a name at random!
The most interesting/imaginative/funny will receive a prize presented by Tarring Councillor and outgoing Worthing Mayor Hazel Thorpe and you might even get your picture in the next Inside Tarring Magazine!
There are 3 categories;
Under 12s
The winners will be selected by the panel of Flood Group Committee Members, a (small) mystery prize will be awarded to the winner in each category.
All you need to do is Email us on tarringfloodgroup@outlook.com
by the 12th June 2020.
Tell us your first name and age group category
The location of your drain
The name of your drain
What inspired your Drain’s name
(Up to 3 drain name entries per person)
We look forward to hearing from you!
If you would like to know more about our activities or become an ‘Adopt-a-Drain volunteer please get in touch and we can send you the guidelines.
(All registered Adopt-a-Drain volunteers are covered by our public liability insurance)
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