
December 14th, 2023

Free music sessions during school holidays for young people who are eligible for free school meals

These sessions will take place at AudioActive Worthing on Montague Street on the 28th - 30th December, with a chance to perform at their New Year's Eve party on the 31st December.

AudioActive regularly run HAF (Holiday, Food & Activities) music sessions and have seen this to be a transformative opportunity for talented young people to learn to produce music, write lyrics and gain confidence through their sessions, while also getting free food and spending their school holidays in a creative environment.

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December 11th, 2023

Major step in Worthing’s net zero plans revealed

The first major step has been taken towards Worthing becoming a net zero town.

Residents are being invited to have their say on a planning application to build an energy centre for the Worthing Heat Network - a pioneering scheme which would bring low-carbon heat to buildings and homes across the borough.

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December 8th, 2023

New temporary accommodation could help house local residents in need

More Adur and Worthing residents with nowhere to live will be able to stay closer to their friends and family under new proposals to reduce the cost of homelessness.

Adur & Worthing Councils intend to sign an agreement that would allow up to 37 local people to have roofs over their heads while more permanent homes can be found for them.

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December 5th, 2023


Please see below an update from SGN about some upcoming Gas Mains replacement works being carried out from 8th January for 23 weeks on some of the main roads into and out of Worthing Town Centre and towards the A27.
The roadworks are likely to cause significant impact on journey times.

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