
July 17th, 2023

Greener plans for new Worthing block of flats approved

New trees and green space will surround a proposed new Worthing block of flats approved by councillors.

Columbia House Development Limited intends to build 78 flats on the site of a former office car park in Romany Road, Durrington.

Worthing Borough Council’s planning committee has approved the application for a seven-storey building next to Columbia House.

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July 17th, 2023

Worthing creates forum in support of local development

A new development forum has been launched in Worthing to help industry stakeholders meet, learn and collaborate on projects that shape the town.

Developers, planning experts and businesses from across the region will meet for the first time later this week to discuss ways they can work together to overcome challenges facing the local construction sector.

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July 6th, 2023

New beach wheelchairs available for hire in Worthing

Worthing’s pebble beaches will be more accessible for disabled residents and visitors thanks to the arrival of three pieces of specialist equipment.

Following a fundraising campaign led by the local community, two beach wheelchairs and a single all-terrain rollator are now available from Worthing Borough Council’s Coastal Office.

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July 3rd, 2023

Calling small local charities! Annonymous donor sponsors space in Inside Publications

An anonymous advertising order has been sent in to Inside, to give advertising space to local charities. After visiting a close relative in the Inside Cissbury area, the anonymous donor made contact to say that they had picked up the magloid and enjoyed reading it so much that they would like a copy sent to their home which is out of area. After deciding to read future copies online, Liana was then asked if some space could be booked to cover the cost of an advert for local charities.
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