
March 23rd, 2022


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March 23rd, 2022

Outcry as Secretary of State overrules environmentally damaging Chatsmore Farm Decision

Leader of Worthing Borough Council, Cllr Kevin Jenkins has written to The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP
Secretary of State for Levelling Up, to call into question the decision to override the locally refused planning application to build new homes at Chatsmore Farm.

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March 21st, 2022

Get out and about to see the wildlife on your doorstep

Could you tell the difference between a cricket and a grasshopper? Do you know your dandelion from your catsear? And would you know what to do with a slow worm if you saw one?
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March 17th, 2022

Green canopy in Adur and Worthing to celebrate the Queen’s reign

Hundreds of trees are being planted across Adur and Worthing to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

The Queen’s Green Canopy is a national initiative to mark the Jubilee through the planting of trees to create an environmentally sustainable legacy for communities across the country.

Adur and Worthing’s events have officially begun with the planting of commemorative English oaks at Beach House Park in Worthing and Buckingham Park in Shoreham.

Mayor of Worthing Councillor Lionel Harman and Caroline Nicholls, the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of West Sussex, assisted with the Beach House Park planting while Adur District Council Chairman Councillor Stephen Chipp and his children Eloise, 10, and Samuel, 6, had the honour in Buckingham Park.

Those trees are just two of more than 1,400 that will be planted in parks and other green spaces across Adur and Worthing during the Jubilee year.

Events to celebrate the new greenery in Worthing, Shoreham, Lancing, Sompting and Southwick are planned throughout the year.

By the end of the year, Adur will have seen trees planted in nine different council wards, with the largest concentrations being at Lancing Ring, Lancing Manor Park, Buckingham Park and Malthouse Meadow.

Worthing’s Jubilee trees will be planted in six different wards, in Salvington, Offington, Durrington, Northbrook, Central and Marine, with the largest numbers being at Sheepcombe Hanger, The Sanctuary, West Hill and Northbrook Recreation Ground.

Cllr Harman said: “It is an honour to have had the chance to play my part in such an important commemoration in Worthing.

“The Jubilee trees will be a lasting legacy to remember Her Majesty and all she has done for this country.”

Cllr Chipp said: “It’s particularly fitting that our Jubilee celebrations should focus on such an environmentally conscious issue as the planting of new trees.

“We all need to do our bit to tackle the climate crisis so I was delighted to be able to share with my children the honour of investing in the health of our planet.”

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