
November 9th, 2021

The annual Colonnade House Winter Pop Up is back!

14 - 24th December 2021 // 10.00 - 17.00
Late opening: Thursday 16th 18.00 - 20.00

This time it’s bringing colour, community and creativity together like never before. Featuring Colonnade House studio members, invited guests and a selection of local charity & community organisations, visitors will be able to pick up beautiful, locally produced prints, ceramics, paintings, cards, handmade wooden items and more whilst also finding out about local charities.

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November 9th, 2021

Worthing Mayor goes back to the Co-op to celebrate Local Coop Causes Celebration day pay outs

A Former Co-op Manager Lionel Harman now Cllr Lionel Harman & Mayor of Worthing will be returning to the Plaza Parade store in Rowlands Road in Worthing to celebrate the Round 6 pay-out for the Local Community Causes for the past year .

This invitation has been made by current Store Manager for Plaza Parade Stuart Hunt & Member Pioneer for the Co-op and current Borough Councillor & Town Crier for Worthing

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November 9th, 2021

Meet Worthing Samaritans at the train station!

Worthing Samaritans will be at Worthing Railway Station on Monday 29th November. They plan to use the event to raise awareness of Worthing Samaritans and the service they provide, as a round the clock “listening ear” for anyone who needs to talk.
A small team of Worthing Samaritans volunteers will be there to chat to members of the public about the work of Samaritans, and to take time to listen. Worthing Samaritans said: “We know that these events are really appreciated by rail staff and members of the public. They can generate fantastic conversations and we’re happy to offer emotional support if requested. These events also help rail staff to feel supported, and let them know that they can contact Samaritans themselves, as well as signposting rail users who may be struggling.”

The team will be there from 7 am – 9.30 am on Monday 29th November.

Anyone needing Samaritans can call us, free, 24/7, 365 days a year, on 116 123, or email jo@samaritans.org. You can also write to FREEPOST SAMARITANS LETTERS.

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November 2nd, 2021

100% of Tesco’s customers polled in Worthing want supermarket to cut ties with forest destroyers

On 23rd and 30th October, Greenpeace volunteers visited Tesco on Chapel Road in Worthing to call on the supermarket giant to cut ties with forest destroyers, as part of an escalating nationwide campaign. Volunteers exhibited a life-size cut-out of Tesco CEO Ken Murphy, asking the question “Should I stop funding Amazon rainforest destruction?”. 100% of the 75 customers that were asked, voted that Mr Murphy needs to stop funding Amazon rainforest destruction. Lots of people also took photos with the cut-out and shared them on their social media channels. The cut-out Ken was then handed in to the staff at the Chapel Road Tesco store, alongside a letter from Greenpeace UK Executive Director John Sauven. After the campaign was explained to the staff they agreed to pass on the letter to store manager. The letter calls on the supermarket to drop forest destroying companies from its supply chain, and replace at least half of the meat it sells with affordable plant based alternatives by 2025.
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