August 14th, 2020
This campaign aims to encourage residents, businesses and communities to stay alert and follow Government guidelines in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus in West Sussex and thereby reduce the need for local lockdown restrictions.
The County Council continues to focus on monitoring and managing the virus throughout the county, making sure that we are aware of any peaks or spikes and to look in detail at how we manage to control them. We are working in close association with health colleagues in the NHS and our partners in District and Borough councils as well as the community sector in order to ensure that we are working together to fight COVID-19. Notwithstanding the work we and our partners are doing, we also need your help and support please.
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Keep West Sussex Safe
Latest news from West Sussex County Council:-This campaign aims to encourage residents, businesses and communities to stay alert and follow Government guidelines in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus in West Sussex and thereby reduce the need for local lockdown restrictions.
The County Council continues to focus on monitoring and managing the virus throughout the county, making sure that we are aware of any peaks or spikes and to look in detail at how we manage to control them. We are working in close association with health colleagues in the NHS and our partners in District and Borough councils as well as the community sector in order to ensure that we are working together to fight COVID-19. Notwithstanding the work we and our partners are doing, we also need your help and support please.
To keep the county safe, open for business and working well, everyone needs to take responsibility for how we act and how we live and work in West Sussex.
The messages are simple but absolutely imperative to keeping everyone safe:
•always be aware of other people and maintain social distancing when out and about
•stay rigorous in your hygiene, wash your hands as much as possible, or use sanitiser, particularly when in public places
•wear a face covering on public transport or in places where it is difficult to stay apart from others
•if you develop symptoms, get a test (Ring 119 to organise) and be clear about where you have been and who you have been in contact with.
On 20 July we launched a campaign across the county to promote these essential messages. A cross section of communication channels have been used to do this including updates in newspapers, targeted social media campaigns, printed posters and translations into nine of our most spoken languages, together with some focused community engagement work in Crawley.
The messages are simple but absolutely imperative to keeping everyone safe:
•always be aware of other people and maintain social distancing when out and about
•stay rigorous in your hygiene, wash your hands as much as possible, or use sanitiser, particularly when in public places
•wear a face covering on public transport or in places where it is difficult to stay apart from others
•if you develop symptoms, get a test (Ring 119 to organise) and be clear about where you have been and who you have been in contact with.
On 20 July we launched a campaign across the county to promote these essential messages. A cross section of communication channels have been used to do this including updates in newspapers, targeted social media campaigns, printed posters and translations into nine of our most spoken languages, together with some focused community engagement work in Crawley.
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