October 25th, 2023
As part of a move to make the waters a safer place, Adur & Worthing Councils’ coastal wardens will be running safety sessions to demonstrate how to effectively use the area’s throwlines.
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Learn how to use one of Adur and Worthing’s throwlines
People who live, work or visit Adur and Worthing are being invited to learn how to use some of the life-saving resources along the coastline.As part of a move to make the waters a safer place, Adur & Worthing Councils’ coastal wardens will be running safety sessions to demonstrate how to effectively use the area’s throwlines.
From Sea Lane in Goring to Shoreham Fort, there are throwlines located along the seafront which can be used if you see someone in difficulty near the shore.
Throwlines invite friends, family members or passers-by to assist with recovery without entering the water, therefore ensuring that extra people don’t end up in difficulty if the conditions are challenging.
If you need to use a throwline, it’s highly recommended to call 999 first so you know emergency assistance is on the way.
All throwlines are designed to float, meaning the person in the water does not need to go under to retrieve it. The area’s throwlines are either 15 or 25 metres in length.
To show locals how to use the life-saving resource effectively, the Coastal Office team are hosting four drop-in training sessions at their base on Worthing promenade, located between the pier and the lido.
The first event is taking place on Sunday 29th October 2023 between 2.30pm to 3.30pm, with others set to follow on Saturday 20th January 2024, Saturday 16th March 2024 and Saturday 15th June 2024. If the events are positively received there may be an opportunity for further water safety tutorials.
Cllr Emma Evans, Adur’s cabinet member for the environment and leisure, said: “It’s great that our Coastal Office team are running drop-in sessions to give people a chance to practise with a throwline before they may be depended upon in an urgent situation. Visitors and locals should feel comfortable using the life saving kit along our coastline.”
Cllr Vicki Wells, Worthing’s cabinet member for the environment, said: “Our dedicated coastal wardens work tirelessly to ensure the safety of visitors to Worthing beaches. You will see them daily on quad bikes patrolling the coast, checking the throwlines, offering advice and keeping a watchful eye out for potential dangers. I encourage you to drop into one of their four sessions to learn how to use a throwline yourself and potentially help save a life at sea.”
The sessions form part of the councils’ commitment to raising awareness on water safety.
Tags: News, Worthing
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