November 28th, 2023
Worthing Borough Council intends to partner with building firm Roffey Homes in a regeneration project featuring much-needed sustainable flats and commercial units.

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New updated plans for Union Place submitted
Images of how a transformed Union Place could look have been submitted as part of proposals to redevelop the key Worthing site.Worthing Borough Council intends to partner with building firm Roffey Homes in a regeneration project featuring much-needed sustainable flats and commercial units.

The council’s vision is for a high-quality development of genuinely affordable and social housing featuring environmentally-friendly architecture that will fit perfectly with St Paul’s church and other historic buildings nearby.
The new designs have been submitted by Roffey Homes as part of the planning application for approval to build 216 flats on the site in a series of connected blocks surrounding raised residents’ gardens.
The homes and gardens would sit on top of a 236-space car park, of which 90 of the spaces would be for the residents and 146 available for visitors to the town centre. A pocket park would be situated at the south-eastern corner of Chatsworth Road and High Street, where there could also be a community cafe.
Each building in the development would be highly sustainable, being either connected to the Worthing heat network or using exhaust air heat pumps to ensure low carbon emissions.
The developer has updated and amended its plans to take into account feedback from residents during consultation events in 2022 and earlier this year.
The council would share the cost of the project with Roffey Homes and use its share of the profits to secure dozens of the flats as new council homes.
Cllr Caroline Baxter, Worthing’s cabinet member for regeneration, said: “We’re determined to bring Union Place back to life for the benefit of the whole community.
“Partnering with Roffey would be an exciting opportunity to create a sustainable, high-quality development with local partners, using local labour and for local people.”
The application is expected to be considered by Worthing’s planning committee early in 2024. If approved, work could begin on site in the summer. The development is expected to take up to three years to complete.
To comment on the proposals visit and search for AWDM/1618/23.
The deadline for feedback is Friday 15th December.

Tags: News, Worthing
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