October 11th, 2021

Random acts of kindness graces the halls of Worthing care home thanks to local social action project

A care home in Worthing has experienced a random act of kindness from a social action project which has been gracing the community with beautiful gifts.

The other month, Haviland House, a dementia care home based in Goring, was gifted with lovely letters alongside some homemade flowers to show the elderly community that they are loved, remembered and appreciated.

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October 8th, 2021

Peaceful Gathering outside the Town Hall tomorrow by Hope not Hate

Following the exposure by Hope not Hate that Worthing Borough Council Councillor Tim Wills belongs to Patriotic Alternative - described by Hope Not Hate as a racist fascist organisation, residents in Worthing have organised a gathering outside Worthing Town Hall at 1pm tomorrow Saturday 9th October. We say firmly we reject fascism in our town and that Mr Wills should be allowed to merely remain as an independent councillor. It is a co-incidence that tomorrow also marks the anniversary of when Worthing drove out Oswald Mosley from our town on what became known as 'The Battle of South Street' . 87 Years ago this Saturday in Worthing Town, local residents stood up against the face of fascism when Oswald Mosley came to town. Worthing was the first town in the country to elect a fascist councillor; British Union of Fascists member and councillor, Charles Bentinck Budd for Broadwater. On the morning of the Fascist rally, the words "No more war. Damn Mosley. Fight Fascism" were written in tar on Worthing Town Hall. As the day progressed and anti-fascists gathered to oppose, events unfolded in what was to become known as the Battle of South Street https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_South_Street. Worthing said no to fascists in 1934 as Worthing says No to Fascists in 2021. There will be speakers at tomorrow's event drawing on the lessons of the past.
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October 7th, 2021

Worthing Borough Council Statement regarding Cllr Tim Wills

Worthing Borough Council has today instigated an investigation into a Councillor following a complaint made under its Code of Conduct.
The Council’s Monitoring Officer has been made aware of the statements made by Cllr Tim Wills and is considering the matter under the Code of Conduct in accordance with the Council’s adopted procedure
There will be no further comment while the process is ongoing

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October 6th, 2021


Investigations in the sewers below Worthing have discovered enough heat to power a pioneering new energy network, a report says.

The discovery is the latest stage of ambitious plans by Worthing Borough Council to link public sector buildings in the borough to an environmentally-friendly heat source thus replacing gas boilers and reducing carbon emissions by up to 90 per cent.

The Council has pledged to become carbon neutral by 2030 and gas consumed in its buildings makes up one third of emissions.

Called the Worthing Heat Network (WHN) the scheme will link up 27 buildings including the Town Hall, library, hospital, leisure centres, law courts, police building and possibly even schools.

In an update on WHN, a report to the Council’s Joint Strategic Committee (JSC) says investigation of the sewers under the town has revealed that they contain more than enough heat to replace gas boilers in public buildings. A centralised heat pump will be used to turn heat from the wastewater in the sewer into usable heat for buildings..

The report says the Council has been successful in obtaining more than £5m from the government’s Heat Networks Investment Programme (HNIP) for preparatory work, initial construction and to secure a partner to part-finance, design, build, own and operate the entire network. Later stages could see the network extended to more premises across the borough.

The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has identified the Worthing project as a pathfinder which could be used by local authorities across the country, working with partners, to remove the reliance of buildings on gas heating and thus help slash carbon emissions which are the main cause of global warming.

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